"Keng Hwa" (in Hokkien) or Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Dutchman's Pipe, kardable, Night Queen or निशागंधीNishagandhi or Gul-e-Bakawali) is a species of cactus and one of the most cultivated species in the genus. It is a variety of nightblooming Cereus and often confused with species of Selenicereus. [Wikipedia]
What a magnificient creation of God.
The plant was given to us by a church's friend about 3 years ago. From the leaf cutting, we just 'poke' and planted it. After 3 years, in June, among the many snaky, flat and long leaves, we saw a bud sprout from the edge of a leaf, not the tip. We waited night after night, but the flower did not bloom and the bud wither after a few days.
In mid August, we saw 3 buds sprouting again. And on 27 August, we waited patiently from 11.45 pm to witness how the bud manifest into a pure white flower the size of a medium dinner plate. What a magnificient creation of God.