Monday, September 9, 2013

Are You Happy ?

Are you happy?  Everybody wants to be happy but how many of us are truly happy?

Happiness is a natural occurring feeling, yet we relate to happiness as something special and rare.  Some of us are afraid to show our happiness for fear of being though of as arrogant, selfish or juvenile.  We fear that too much happiness will defile our professional status or ruin our chance of being promoted at work.  We think that being overly happy will upset others, draw envy or invite rejection.

Real happiness is overcoming our negativity and beginning to count our blessings so we can experience the mysterious beauty of life.  It is about learning to surrender, release the need to control and allow our lives to unfold in its own unique and organic way.  It is about becoming fully human.

There is no fear, no doubt and no anxiety where there's true happiness.

Happiness is a choice, we can alter our life by altering our attitude.

Martin Seligman, one of the leading researchers in positive psychology and author of Authentic Happiness, describes happiness as having three parts: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. It involves both daily positive emotions and a global sense that life is worthwhile.