Relational prayer is a living discipline (the kind of intentional practice of petitionary prayer Jesus lived out relationally with his Father and his disciples) between two or more people (acknowledges prayer is private and personal but also intentionally and richly communal) to connect with God and each other in the practice of communal intimacy and fellowship. - Dan J. Brennan
God's guidance stems from our relationship with Him. Our Shepherd wants to feed us, carry us in His arms, hold us close to His heart, and gentle lead us (ISAIAH 40:11). We are to "pray continually" (1 THESS. 5:17 NIV) because it's impossible to discern God's leading in our lives without prayer. As with prayers about everyday needs, the Bible's prayers for guidance and direction are relational prayers.
Relational prayer is having a conversation with God - not just telling Him what we want, but having a real conversation in which we not only talk to Him but also listen to Him and get to know Him and become closer and closer to Him. Relational prayer respects the personal nature of God and doesn't just see God as a supplier of whatever we want but seeks a living, loving relationship with Him.
"Prayer is beyond any question the highest activity of the human soul. Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God". - D Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Relational prayer doesn't just seek God's will - it seeks His face as well. Relational prayer puts us in a place where the Lord can help us discover His leading and respond with deeper obedience and love. God reminded His people through Isaiah, "Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength" (ISAIAH 30:15). Fresh strength flows into us as we pray and fast and wait before Him in His Word.