Jude - Believers are to be on guard against false teaching and not to fall to the seductive spirit of the age, for it is difficult and hard to live as a Christian in this fallen world.
Praise to God for keeping us from stumbling (Jude 1:24-25)
A) Why we ought to honor our Savior
B) How we ought to honor Him
A) Why we ought to honor our Savior
1) We honor Him because He has the power to enable us to preserve (v24) - keep us from stumbling in our walk - we must always be on guard against (a) false teaching who would lead us astray; (b) stumbling due to lack in the Word of God and traps of false teachers.
2) We honor Him because He is the One who enable us to stand before Him - praising Him for His perfecting grace that will allow us to stand before Him without fault; with great joy; future glory that is greater than anything that God has yet display in us.
3) We honor Him because He saved us and will never permit one of His own to be lost.
God the Father for planning that wondrous work on the cross, the Son for being obedient to the will of the Father even to the point of death on the cross, the Holy Spirit who applies that sacrificial work to each of us whom God predestined to Him for salvation.
B) How we ought to honor Him
1) We honor God by blessing Him, praising Him and worshiping Him - because He is worthy of it all.
2) We honor God by remembering that all of life is for the glory of God; our priorities in life should all be directed to glorifying God, every situation; details of our lives. ==> God centered.