Wednesday, July 17, 2019

'The Ais' at Chulia Street

Drop by at "The Ais" along Chulia Street to fellowship with Jonathan and Lydia.  We tried their home made fresh and natural Ice Cream, Cakes, Waffle and Kefir.

Friday, July 5, 2019


The New Testament word for "fellowship," koinonia, expresses the idea of being together for mutual benefit. Hebrews 10:24-25 shares this idea, saying, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." Two reasons fellowship with other believers is important are because it helps express love to one another and it encourages good works.

Monday, July 1, 2019

What is prayer to you?

Prayer is acknowledging and experiencing the presence of God and inviting His presence into our lives and circumstances.  It's seeking the presence of God and releasing the power of God which gives us the means to overcome any problems. - Stormie Omartian

"Prayer is not praise, adoration, humiliation or confession, but asking. Praise is not prayer and prayer is not praise.  Prayer is asking.  Adoration is not prayer, and prayer is not adoration.  Prayer is always asking; it is not anything else but asking,Quote John R. Rice

Prayer is one of the most wonderful privileges we are afforded as children of God, and yet it may be one of the most neglected.

Time spent in the presence of the Father prepares us for challenges that will test our faith in Him - moments we could not handle in our own strength.

Effective prayer involves : 1) praise
                                          2) thanksgiving
                                          3) repentance
                                          4) specific request
                                          5) commitment

When we pray, God sees our heart, not our performance. 

Prayer is a dialogue - a two-way conversation between us and God.

How can we hear from God?  It begins with a desire - to know God and to be known by Him?   Jesus said in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (KJV)

PRAYER protect us and changes things.  It keep us in the will of God and draw us closer to God.  It make us less selfish beside healing us from all pains and make us stronger spiritually.  Beside giving us peace, it also make us happy and give us hope.
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