James 1:22 - Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (NIV)
The book of James encourages Christians to act like Christians and live a life that proves the gospel is at work. It is intensely practical, action oriented and describes the outward serving of faith. According to James, if faith is real and if we truly trust God, then our faith will lead to all kinds of practical actions for the benefit of others.In today’s verse, James urges the believers who listen to God’s Word to demonstrate a sincere commitment to the Lord by reacting to what they hear with obedient action. The very nature of this passage is application, being doers of the Word. The original language gives the sense that we must “keep on becoming” doers of God’s Word. Genuine faith calls for obedience that endures.
The Word of God is not just a beautiful piece of literature to be savored and enjoyed. Its purpose goes beyond provoking thought and inviting meditation. It demands a change of heart that prompts a change of behavior. Genuine faith does what God’s Word says and experiences the blessings from it. Genuine faith believes God is right and is willingly to change to do what is right based on God’s Word.