Monday, December 31, 2012

Think It Over

We have reached the beginning of another year and now looked back as to what we have learned from our walk in Christ during the past 365 days.

We might have gone through sun-drenched days, or a few storms with howling wind and giants waves - we have been falling and getting back up, forgiving and forgetting, accepting and going on.  At the end of the 2012 pilgrim, how have the Grace, Joy and Love of Jesus touched our life? and through our life touches others?

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Hebrews 12:1-2


Monday, December 24, 2012


This year Christmas bears special meaning as a group of us are able to share the CHRISTmas joy with our neighbors. A group of 30 Hokkien members from our church visited and sung a few Christmas carols and bring Christmas greetings to them.

We then adjourned next door for a small dinner spread including fried hor fun, noodle, roast chickens, 'tang yuen', 'boo bor cha cha', nyonya cakes and fruits.

CHRISTmas is celebrating the birth, the death and the resurrection of JESUS.



Sunday, December 23, 2012

Spirit of Christmas

It's true that the Bible does not tell us to celebrate Jesus' birthday.  We do not even know the exact date, and much about the season has a pagan background.

How would you then define "the Christmas spirit?"  Would it be a friendly smile between strangers, the sound of familiar carols, a tree with twinkling lights in a sea of brightly wrapped packages, or just that good feeling you get this time of the year?

We can enjoy christmas because we know the Joy of Christ.  It's the Christ of Christmas we celebrate, not Christmas itself.  Everyday would be Christmas day, if Christ is with us in our daily walk.

To the Christian - our life on earth is like a journey on a road or a highway - moving and going forward (progressive) - that is, we need to grow in our spiritual life, from baby to teenager to young adult then to middle age to senior age.
Our life journey is like a car (vehicle) travelling on the road.  When we are a new convert (new car) - we tend to go very fast, our faith being strong and vibrant - everything is Praise God Amen.
After a few years, we tend to slow down (car not so new) - we will let others take the lead, we are more cautious, we do not want to be hurt or to hurt others.
As the years passed, we become contented - we know we are blessed - we know God's Grace and Mercy- so we slack in our spiritual life - we become just a Sunday Christian - we forget to worship and fellowship with God, we focus and pursue our own life and goals, we then put God aside.
So make the most of Christmas, focus on Christ.    X'Mas is nothing without     CHRISTmas.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas celebration with all your loved ones. As we continue to rejoice and celebrate our Lord and Saviour King Jesus, may we remember that everyday is a reason for celebration because of Him!

Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in our hearts.
Celebrate Jesus tills He returns!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter Solstice on 21-12-12

The end of the world is predicted to coincide exactly with the time of the Winter Solstice.  If we write out the time and date, it looks elegant and slightly mysterious:   12:12   21.12.2012.

Is this the end?  Or is it just another ordinary day?

The world is not going to end ... because the rumours and fears that were triggered several years ago by reports of interpretations of the Mayan long-count calendar, which stops, some say, at a date coinciding with day.  Many IT-savvy youngsters admitted they were haunted for some time after the Doomsday prediction first started making its rounds on the Internet three to four years ago.  The Bible recorded that no one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Matthew 24:36) - the Day of Judgment.

So let us rejoice and be glad for these day, 21 December is the day that the Lord has made.  This is also the day where most Chinese and other East Asians celebrate Winter Solstice Festival.

Traditionally, this festival is also a time for the family to get together.  One activity that occurs during these get togethers is the making and eating of 'tang yuan' or glutinous rice ball, which symbolize reunion.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Before I go any further, please understand that when I use the term "worship", I am not referring merely to church attendance.  Regular church attendance does not make us worshippers.  Having attended a church service begs the question, "Did you worship while you were in the church?"  "Did you go to meet God or just be part of a gathering?

The same is true in our worship to God, be it in public or private.  When we enter into God's presence in worship, there should be two-way communication, as well.
Worship is not three fast songs and two slow ones; it’s not about getting the right atmosphere so everyone gets going; rather, it’s the expression of your love to the Almighty God.  It is an expression of an adoration heart - heart of love and thankfulness.

It’s not just the responsibility of the worship leader or the preacher to create the right atmosphere – it’s everyone’s responsibility to worship Him and prepare their heart.

God wants to speak to us in our times of worship.  I believe that we can sometimes attempt to "manufacture" God's presence and His voice in worship.  But we must understand that God is perfectly capable of speaking for Himself.  Our job is as watchmen, listening for His voice (Proverbs 8:34).  We talk to God in worship - extolling Him for His greatness, wisdom, care, and love.  And just as in our times of prayer, God desires to speak to us in our times of worship.

In Psalm 51 when David prayed for God to create in him a clean heart, he states in verse 6, "Surely you desire truth in the inner parts ...".  The sole criteria God has given us for coming to Him in worship is "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24).  This kind of worship is Holy Spirit-led, and in a manner according to the truth of God's Word.

You cannot separate prayer from worship - prayer is worship and worship is prayer.  Prayer is the highest form of worship.

When God says that He inhabits the praises of His people, He's not just talking about being present when we have the right atmosphere when we are singing.  It's our attitude that is utmost important.

Don't worship God to gain His benefits - worship Him for who He is.

Our worship is right only when we are right with God and with others.

True worship of Christ changes admiration into adoration.

Just Enough

The Bible affirms that God meets the needs of those who seek His Kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). 

I was blessed when I can spare my time and resources with a dear brother and her daughter.  Instead of going out eating and enjoying myself, we spend an hour fellowshiping and encouraging them.  This time spend reminded me of what psalmist David wrote in Psalm 34:10 "  .. but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing."

If today you're thinking, "I need just a little bit more" of something, consider instead the possibility that God has given you 'just enough'. - Julie A. Link

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Family First

Familities today are under attack in many different forms.  Satan seek to destroy and divide families as much as possible through divorce and abuse.  As a result, many people have grown up in broken homes.  But, this is not the way familities were originally intended to be.

Family was originally intended to be a picture of our relationship with God.  J.C.Ryle writes, "The son of an earthly parent naturally looks to his father for affection, support, provision, and education.  There is a home always open to him.  There is love which, generally speaking, no amount of bad behavior can completely extinguish ...  Think then how great is the privilege of that poor sinner of mankind who can say of God, 'He is my Father.'" 

As a potter molds clay to form a beautiful creation, so does the strong bond of family and good values.  Family bonds are a link to our beginning and a guide to our future. Early influences are fundamental to our individual development.

We all want to "belong" and feel accepted.  A sense of belonging is derived from the strong bond of family.  Family is where our roots take hold and from there we grow.  We are molded within a unit, which prepares us for what we will experience in the world and how we react to those experiences.  Values are taught at an early age and are carried with us throughout our life.

A close family bond is like a safe harbor where we find refuge.  From trusting that someone will pick us up when we fall, as a toddler, to someone being there for us as we experience the storms in life - family bonds help to instill trust and hope in the world around us and belief in ourselves.  Rituals of bedtime stories, hugs, holidays and daily meals shared together, provide a sense of warmth, structure and safety.  These rituals and traditions, not only create memories and leave a family legacy, but create our first path in life - one that is positive.

Our very spirit can either blossom or wither within the family unit.  When we don't have the security and influence of strong family bonds early in life, the ground work is laid for an emptiness, that is often sought to be filled, through destructive venues.  If one isn't loved as a child, they may later seek love and acceptance in a way that brings them harm.  There is a deep yearning to fill that hollowness, residing in the heart and soul, from never knowing what it's like to be loved, accepted and appreciated for "being".

The benefits of keeping family first :-

A) an unwavering trust in God's love and wisdom.
b) steadfast, endurance, courage, patience and hope for eternity
c) the Holy Spirit enables us to produce living fruits such as love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; (Gal. 5:22-23)



Beginning of a new chapter

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.  (Ecclesiastes 3:1-14)

t Penang International Airport

Saturday, November 17, 2012

God's Goodness

When everything is going well in our live, it's easy to feel proud.  We're tempted to think that we are good and that it is by our abilities that we have achieved success.  During such moments we tend to forget that behind it all is our good Lord who provides and protects us.
Korean  Dinner

I need to say right away that I believe God is good and He takes delight in doing good things for people.  He does indeed hold our hand in times of trouble and helps us stand against the onslaught of life's difficulties.

So, the next time God blesses us, be sure to look for ways to give Him the credit.  Consuming His blessings without communicating His goodness shortchanges the very purpose of His gifts of grace in our lives.

James 1:17   Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.


In God's hand

When we release our children into the Father's hands and acknowledge that He is in control of their lives and ours, both we and our children will have greater peace.

Recently, I had to release my son into God's hands again, this time as he steps into the working world.  God teaches us to release him 5 years ago when he left for college and started his varsity life.  He started in Miri, Sarawak and then extended to Perth, Australia in the later part of his semester.

Releasing our children to God does not mean that they will not experience pain.  They will, because pain is a part of life in this fallen world.

We were reminded of the words in Isaiah 55:12    You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

God assured us that the initial pain of releasing our children there comes joy and peace, both for them and us.  Because we know that no matter what stage of life our children are in, when we release them to God, they are in good hands

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mission Trip - Dali, China

Dali Gateway

The Antioch Missions Penang office organised a Mission Trip to Dali/Lijiang, China from 4 to15 November 2012 where 5 persons participated (4 from Penang and 1 from Kuala Lumpur).
The trip enable the participants to experience for themselves all the areas of ministry the Antioch are involved such as prayer walk, cycle & pray, medical ministry, teaching and dropping of bibles.

Journey to Wase Village for Gift drop
Medical Ministry at Pan Xi Village

Bus journey from Bing Chuan Village
Medical Ministry

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Home Cell

Our last home cell of the year was held on 15 November where the Lim's family brought along his father-in-law to joined us.

After dinner, we started our meeting with a few songs of praise before sharing the Word of God on 'Prayer'. We ended the sharing with prayers for needs and personal healing as well as a blessing prayer for our visitor.

Acts 2:46  So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.

"If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another," the apostle John said (1 John 4:11).  That's a love for our brothers and sisters in Christ as well as for those who don't yet know Him.
Some say "fellowship" is "two fellows in the same ship"; this is false, for passengers on the same boat may not speak to each other for they have nothing in common.

Christian fellowship is much deeper, sweeter than secular fellowship.  Bible fellowship means spiritual communion, a joint partnership, a joint sharing, mutual partakers.

Adult fellowships and small groups are not miniature church services.  They are pockets of people who love Christ and believe in helping one another.  They do not point fingers or preach or compare.  They are your brothers and sisters in Christ. - Charles Swindoll



Thankfulness follows contentment: a discontented man is not thankful for anything, but a contented man is thankful for everything.  Thankfulness is a branch of godliness, none but a godly man is truly a thankful man.

Thankfulness is the "chief exercise of godliness" in which we ought to engage during the whole of our life.  "Gratitude is the heart  ...  of the Christian life."

Giving thanks to God is then not an optional thing for the Christian.  Thankfulness to God for His love, His care for us, and His provision for our salvation permeates both Old and New Testaments.  In the Old Testament, giving thanks to God was often done through the Levitical sacrifice.

Thankfulness should flow naturally from the Christian who realizes the great gift of salvation offered through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.  Jesus Christ suffered the penalty for what He did not deserve (all my sin), then freely offered to me the reward (eternal life) that I did not deserve.  What an awesome God we serve!

Christian faith can be measure by thankfulness.  Our faith is evidenced by how thankful we are, and for how long.  This is because only those who have an intimate relationship with God are able to express thankfulness.  Those who follow God closely trust Him completely and are able to be thankful even in circumstances that do not naturally elicit thanksgiving.

Let us give thanks in every circumstances and faithfully share this heart of thanksgiving with others.
1 Chronicles 16:8   Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18   Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

William Arthur Ward said,  "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it".

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Deeper life

There are many stages of Christian experience and maturity which we consistently find among the professing children of God.
The degrees and forms of Christians men's living are, "common", "special", and "perfect".  The first two of these may begun and ended in this life.  You can enter into perfection but you cannot enter in fully.  The third may by the grace of God begin here but it shall last without end in the bliss of heaven.

A "common" Christian is one who is of ordinary quality and ability.  He is not distinguished by superiority of any kind - ie. a mediocre Christians.  They are halfway up to the peak.  They are not halfway to heaven but halfway up to where they ought to be, halfway between the valley and the peak.   They are morally above the hardened sinner but they are spiritually beneath the shinning saint.
A "special" Christian is one who have the desire and spirit of apostle Paul's.  A desire to gain Christ (Philippians 3:8) and to be found in Him (Philippians 3:9), and to know Him (Philippians 3:10).  The person also has an earnest desire to press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of (Philippians 3:12) and press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 3:14).

Many people want to talk about deeper life but no one seems to want to know and love God for himself!  God is the deeper life!   Jesus Christ Himself is the deeper life, and as we plunge on into the knowledge on the triune God, our heart moves on into the blessedness of His fellowship.
The basic teaching of the deeper Christian life is the willingness to let Jesus Christ Himself be glorified in us and through us.
[Extract from A.W.Tozer - I Talk Back To The Devil]


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Walking with God

Psalm 1:1   Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delights is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.

Our intimacy with God first began in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve walked with God.  The word "walk" not only indicates physical movement, but oneness and unity in heart and mind - intimacy.  We were created intimately; God breathed into dust and created humanity in His image.  Adam and Eve were created to be God's people, and God was the true and only God for Adam and Eve.
It is this very communion with God - spending time with Him - which leads to intimacy.

The first two verses in Psalm 1 indicate that a person is blessed when he or she willingly delights in meditating on God's Law instead of spending time with the wicked and sinners.
More than any other Christians discipline, it is reading and meditating on God's Word that develops our intimacy with God, because true intimacy can only result when we deeply know, in both mind and heart, who God is and what He has done.
Intimacy with God is a privilege freely given to us by Christ in His
sacrifice on the cross.  He removed our sins so that we might dwell with God.  But in this, we need to be fully aware that any pattern of habitual, unrepented sin will not only be a hindrance to increasing intimacy, but will be something that takes away from whatever intimacy with God we may already have.
In Psalm 51:11-12, David pleads that God might not take away the relationship of intimacy with Him.  These two verses, which start the second half of the psalm, reflect David's heartfelt desire for continued intimacy with God.  David understood that sin separates us from God, so he pleads that God might deal with the issue of sin so that intimacy might not ever be lost.
This must be our very attitude as well.  Rather than becoming complacent or giving up entirely, we ought to follow David's lead and continue to confess our sins so that we remain in intimate relationship with our God .  For that is the reason why we were created; and in so doing, we honor God.

[Extracted from LIVING LIFE : August 2012 - Honoring God through Intimacy by Steven Oh]

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Giving is sowing

Giving is sowing.

In 2 Corinthians 9:6-7  Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

How do we excel in giving?
"Giving is not a luxury of the rich, but the privilege of the poor."

When do we ever get excited about giving?  We are always more excited about receiving.  I remember we were given a love gift of RM100 by a pastor after a counselling session many years back.  We were very much taken aback; a love gift from a pastor - of all person.  From that time onward, we learn to listen to our heart and the Spirit.  Giving is beyond the gift, its the joy and the warm that goes with it.

The first gift we need to give to God is ourselves.  We cannot offer God anything that is acceptable to Him until we have offered ourselves.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Definition : Righteousness is the state of moral perfection by God to enter heaven.

However, the Bible clearly states that human beings cannot achieve righteousness through their own efforts: "Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin." (Romans 3:20, NIV)

The law, or the Ten Commandments, shows us how far we fall short of God's standards.  The only solution to that dilemma is God's plan of salvation.
People receive righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.  Christ, the sinless Son of God, took humanity's sin upon Himself and became the willing, perfect sacrifice, suffering the punishment mankind deserved.  God the Father accepted Jesus' sacrifice, through which human beings can become justified. 

In turn, believers receive righteousness from Christ.  This doctrine is called imputation.  Christ's perfect righteousness is applied to imperfect human.

The Old Testament tells us that because of the sin of Adam, we, his descendants, have inherited his sinful nature.  God set up a system in Old Testament times where people sacrificed animals to atone for their sins.  The shedding of blood was required.
When Jesus entered the world, things changed.  His crucifixion and resurrection satisfied God's justice.  Christ's shed blood covers our sins.  No more sacrifices or works are required.  The apostle Paul explains how we receive righteousness through Christ in the book of Romans.

Salvation through this crediting of righteousness is a free gift, which is the doctrine of grace.  Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus is the essence of Christianity.  No other religion offers grace.  They all require some type of works on behalf of the participant - Jack Zavada.

Righteousness   - It depicts a lamb  "羊"  over me   "我",  signifying that the blood of the Lamb covers my sin so that I then stand righteous and justified before God.

[God and the Ancient Chinese by Samuel Wang & Ethel R.Nelson - pg 112]

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Handling Adversity

What kept us from bitterness?
 A man of integrity and godliness.

First, Job claimed God's loving sovereignty.  He believed that the Lord who gave had every right to take away (Job 1:21; 2:10).  Job looked up claiming his Lord's right to rule over his life.
Second, he counted on God's promise of resurrection.  "Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God" (Job 19:25-26).  Job looked ahead, counting on his Lord's promise to make all things bright and beautiful in the life beyond.
Third, he confessed his own lack of understanding.  What a relief this bring!  He didn't feel obligated to explain why (Job 42:2-4).  Job looked within, confessing his inability to put it all together.
He rested his adversity with God, not feeling forced to answer why.

When we're looking in all the right directions, we won't take the wrong turn.

[Extracted from "Day by Day with Charles Swindoll]

B   BUILDS         

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why we should not worry

"An anxious heart weights a man down" (Proverb 12:25).

Anxiety also steals emotional peace and removes spiritual assurance.

The Bible reminds us why we should not worry :

Firstly, worry is foolish (Luke 12:22-24).  It is falling into the folly of the rich fool who believed that his life consisted of his possessions.  But life is more than food and clothes, and God has promised us that He will care for us, much more so than He does for His creatures, the birds.  To worry is foolishly to forget that we are God's valued children and He is our loving Father.

Secondly, worry is futile (Luke 12:25-28)
Worry can shorten life, but it can not lengthen it - and God who gives beauty to the fields will not strip us bare.  Anxiety denies the care of God - and all to no effect.  So the alternative is not to be "careless" but "trust-full".  A little bit of reflection helps us to recognize that most worry is about things that can't be changed (the past), things that can't be controlled (the present), or things that might not happen (the future).

Thirdly, worry is faithless (Luke 12:29-31).
To be absorbed with physical and personal needs is ultimately to be captured by unbelief.  If the  gospel is really true, our lives should be different qualitatively from the lives of pagans.

Worry is the product of an inadequate understanding of our Father.  He is the One who knows, cares, and acts.  The way we look at God determines the way we will look at life, and this will determine what we worry about.
Our great need is to worry about the right thing.  That is, to seek His kingdom.  We do not refrain from worrying.  We replace concern about secondary things with concern about the primary thing.  Only His kingdom is worthy of our ultimate concern.

[Extract from "Jesus' parables about money" by Gary Inrig]


What is a conflict?

A conflict is an emotional collision.  It is stress caused by incompatible desires or demands.  It is what occurs when we have two or more impulses in competition with one another.

Conflict may be internal or external - that is, it may occur within a character's mind or between a character and exterior forces.  Conflict is most visible between two or more characters, usually a protagonist and an antagonist, but can occur in many different forms.

The basic types of conflict in fiction have been commonly codified as "man against man", "man against nature", "man against self".  In each case, "man" is the universal and refers to women as well.

"Man against man" conflict involves stories where characters are against each other.  This is an external conflict.

"Man against nature" conflict is an external struggle positioning the hero against an animal or a force of nature.
With "man against self" conflict, the struggle is internal.  A character must overcome his own natures or make a choice between two or more paths - good or evil; logic and emotion.
[Wikipedia - conflict]

Knowing our limitations, God urges us to "cast all our anxieties on Him" (1 Peter 5:7) and to replace worry with active, specific prayer (Philippian 4:6).  Prayer may not stop the collision, but, like seat belts, it sure can protect us from serious damage.
James asked us to  "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:2-4)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What makes you happy?

On Monday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak made an announcement that the Government needs to work at not only increasing the people's earning capacity, but also on making sure that they are happy.

So, what is happiness to you???

To a hawker selling 'keropok' - happiness is being able to sell all his produce daily while to an ant - happiness is having enough sugar for a lifetime and not getting squashed by a shoe.

Happiness does not have much to do with material goods or high achievement, but it boils down to our outlook in life, and the quality of our relationship with the people around us.

Real happiness is overcoming our negativity and beginning to count our blessing so we can experience the mysterious beauty of life.  It is about learning to surrender, release the need to control and allow our lives to unfold in its own unique and organic way.  It is about becoming fully human.  Solomon tells us that God grants happiness to us as a privilege (Ecclesiastes. 3:12, 7:14; 11:9)

God's Word tells us that true happiness comes by keeping God's law.

Proverbs 16:20 tells us "Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trust in the Lord".

Pleasure or happiness is dependent on circumstances, but joy is inward and is not disturbed by one's environment.
Pleasure is built on self-seeking, but joy is based on self-sacrifice.

The world offers "passing pleasures" (Hebrews 11:25), but the Lord Jesus offers to give us full and lasting joy (John 15:11).


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Keng Hwa"

"Keng Hwa" (in Hokkien) or Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Dutchman's   Pipe,   kardable,   Night   Queen  or निशागंधीNishagandhi or Gul-e-Bakawali) is a species of cactus and one of the most cultivated  species  in  the genus.  It is a variety of nightblooming Cereus and  often confused with species of Selenicereus.  [Wikipedia]

The plant was given to us by a church's friend  about  3  years ago.  From the leaf  cutting,  we  just  'poke'  and planted it.  After 3 years, in June, among the many snaky,  flat  and  long leaves, we saw a bud sprout from the edge of a  leaf,  not the tip.  We waited night after night, but  the flower did  not bloom and the bud wither after a few days.
In mid August, we saw 3 buds sprouting again.  And on 27 August, we waited patiently from 11.45 pm  to witness how the bud manifest into a pure white flower the size of a medium dinner plate.  

What a magnificient creation of God.