Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cool Mind, Fiery Heart

When we only emphasize Scripture, it often does not lead to heart  change.  And if there is no change in the heart, it becomes nothing more than head knowledge.  In fact, this head knowledge often leads to wrong doctrine, and we end up with our own misguided ideas of faith.  It then causes us to be unable to discern right from the wrong or show grace to the people around us.  Believers like these are filled with Bible knowledge but have hearts of stone, and eventually will lose their sense of humanity.  They will eventually become a stumbling block to their neighbors.
What happens, then, if we only emphasize the Holy Spirit?  The Holy Spirit sets the believer's heart on fire and enables us to pray passionately.  This passion is a driving force.  However, a driving force without direction is futile.  There is a danger in overemphasizing spiritual gifts as evidence of faith.  Even if we have spiritual gifts, if we do not learn to interpret the purpose of those gifts through the lens of Scripture, they will only cause us to become prideful.  Such believers become slaves to mysticism and slowly lose sense of reality.
Therefore, disciples need to have level-headed intellect and a fiery and passionate heart.  It is only then that we will be able to worship in Spirit and in Truth.

[Extracted from LIVING Life July 2013 Page 139

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