Peter gives 6 reasons why we can 'keep on rejoicing' when the suffering comes. They are all related to God :
1) It is not a surprise but a plan :
2) It is evidence of our union with Christ :
3) It is a means to attaining greater joy in glory :
4) The Spirit of Glory and of God will rest on us :
5) It glorifies God; and
6) God is faithful to care for our soul.
True joy has nothing to do with circumstances. It is really about faith and trust in God. Paul writes in Galatians that the fruit of the Spirit includes joy (Galatians 5:22) . That does not mean we enjoy the suffering and difficulty. It does mean, however, that we have the strength and resilence to endure -- because the JOY of the Lord is our strength and God Himself will deliver us.
The assurance of the believer is not that God will save him even if he stops believing, but that God will keep him believing - God will sustain you in faith, He will make your hope firm and stable to the end - John Piper