Monday, May 26, 2014

Dinner at Zento Sushi

After spending 28 years together through thick and thin, in times of sickness and in health, in times of leanness and plenty, some times of sadness but many a times in joy - today we find some time to enjoy a simple Japanese meal at Zento Sushi.

Indeed the saying that "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" Proverbs 18:22 (NASB) is true.

My prayer is that God will continue to bless our marriage richly and fill it with love, peace and joy to overflowing so that we can bless others as we are blessed.  The faithfulness of God together with His guided presence will enable us to bear witness for Him in this world.

I appreciate and love you.  A  BLESSED  ANNIVERSARY!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hon Kei Food Corner

Have a quite time enjoying grandmother recipe at Hon Kei Food Corner.

Started as a stall at a coffee shop, at the corner of the junction between Penang Road and Lorong Kampong Malabar.  They serve the half decade old recipe of bak moi (minced meat porridge), mi sua or vermicelli (bee hoon) with pork internal parts, like brain, intestine, kidney, liver, etc.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A daughter

A Daughter

A daughter is a wonderful blessing,
A treasure from above.
She's laughter, warmth and special charm,
She's thoughtfulness and love.

A daughter brings a special joy,
That comes from deep inside.
And as she grows to adulthood,
She fills your heart with pride.

With every year that passes,
She's more special than before.
Through every stage, through every age,
You love her even more.

No words can describe the warm memores,
The pride and gratitude, too.
That comes from having a daughter,
To love and cherish ... just like you!

A daughter is a gift of love - Unknown

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Day Trip to Alor Setar

Lembah Bujang Archaeology Museum

The church organized a one day trip on May 1, to Alor Setar where three bus load of passengers visited Lembah Bujang Archaeology Museum, Paddy Museum, Tunku Abdul Rahman Museum and the Alor Setar town.
We stop by for lunch before travelling back after a fruitful and enjoyable day.

Sugar Cane Juice

Carved Stone Staircase head

Alor Setar Tower
Paddy Museum

Tunku House