Saturday, August 8, 2015

Generational Sin

Do the sins of our ancestors have an effect on us today?  Scripture asserts that past generational sins have ripple effects that reach the children:  The Lord "punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation" [Exodus 34:6-7], and "those of you who are left will waste away in the lands of their enemies because of their sins; also because of their ancestors' sins they will waste away" [Leviticus  26:39].

Your parents and family members have probably had the greatest influence on your development, including the patterns of sin.  Even without your knowledge, there may be influences or examples that family members modeled for you, which then became accepted as 'normal'.   Parents will often replicate the unhealthy discipline habits of their own parents, despite promises that they will never repeat their parents' mistakes.  From anger, gossip, extra-marital affairs, and drunkenness to physical and emotional abuse, every family will exhibit their own hidden idols.

But the good news is that Jesus has the power to free you from the transference of bondage from previous generations.  Jesus was made a curse so that we would not be cursed [Galatians 3:13].  We must identify those sins and repent of them.  Even unresolved conflicts within the family must be dealt with in order for healing and reconciliation to happen.
[Extracted from LIVING  Life February 2013]

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