Sunday, May 26, 2019

Buffet Lunch @ Eastin Hotel

For our 33rd Wedding Anniversary, we were treated to a Malaysian Style Buffet Lunch at Eastin Hotel.  We were there from 11.45 am to 2.25pm.

A wide spread of local delicious taste with traditional cooking style, loaded with fresh herbs and unique flavor combinations. 

Give and take for a successful marriage

It’s quite a milestone to reach our 33 year wedding anniversary.  This is the year of wisdom, philosophy and reflection.   It’s a great year to look back and reflect on 33 amazing years.

It won’t have been plain sailing to get this stage, you will have had your ups and downs but reaching this important year means you’ll want to celebrate in a spiritual way.

33 is an important religious number; it’s the numerical equivalent of AMEN, i.e., 1+13+5+14=33; it’s the age of Christ and also the number of miracles that he performed and it’s also the numerical representation of the star of David.

The modern stone for a 33 year anniversary is Amethyst.  Amethyst is often known as the “wisdom stone” and symbolises sincerity and spiritual wisdom.  It is also known for its healing powers and to increase positive spiritual feelings.

Success is not an end goal.  It is about reaching a goal - and through life, the goals will change - and our journey in reaching the goal.  The one thing we all need is a loving, ongoing relationship.

Jesus is the only One who can bring us into that relationship with God that goes on into eternity, because Jesus said, "I am the way"

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's love

Your Mother carried you inside of her womb for nine whole months, she felt sick for months with nausea, then she watched her feet swell and her skin stretch and tear.  She struggled to climb stairs, she got breathless quickly and even a simple task like putting her shoes on was a huge struggle for her.  She suffered many sleepless nights while you kicked and squirmed inside of her and while you demanded that she scoffed junk at 3 am, she then went through EXCRUCIATING PAIN to bring you into this world.  She became your nurse, your chef, your maid, your chauffeur, your biggest fan, your teacher, your agony aunt and your best friend.  She's struggled for you, sacrifices her dreams to make your dream come true.  She even cried over you, fought for you, put herself second for you, hoped the best for you and has driven herself insane with worry for you but never has she asked for anything in return because she loves you and did it all on love alone!  Most of us take our Mum for granted but there are people who have lost or have never even seen theirs.  If you have a loving Mother who did all of this for you, you are very lucky, never devalue her worth because one day, you'll wish you hadn't!