Wednesday, January 29, 2014

His mercy endures forever

A few days ago my son had a nasty fall in front of a hotel lobby in Kuala Lumpur.  The fall was so bad that it caused a crack in his skull and there was bleeding internally.
We received the news at six on a Sunday morning.  We were shocked and too trouble to speak but deep in our hearts we just believe Gods Sovereignty and control in the situation.

The journey from Penang to Kuala Lumpur was truly a testing time for both of us.  Through the discipline of waiting, we learn to submit and humble ourselves before God and trusting Him 

Praise and all glory be given back to Jesus, John was discharged from the hospital on the sixth days after a head surgery and is now recurperating at home.

Sometimes it takes something like an injury or a sickness to remind us of the masterful design that we carry around in our bodies.

Grace is getting what we do not deserve.  Mercy is not receiving what we do deserve.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Providence or The Provider ?

Many of us find our joy and satisfaction in the things that we possess.  These can be things like money, material possessions, position, or influence.  However, if we do not learn to use these things according to God's will, they can hinder us instead of helping us.

Do I love and trust Him just because of what He does for me?  What about when the blessings disappear?

Job 2:10 [NIV]  He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman.  Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”    In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

Job had to answer these questions when catastrophes claimed his children and demolished his entire estate.  His wife advised him: "Curse God and die!" [Job 2:9](NIV).  Instead, Job asked, "Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?" [Job 2:10](NASB).  Yes, Job struggled after his tragedy - he became angry with his friends and questioned the Almighty.  Still, he vowed, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him" [Job 13:15](KJV).

Job's affection for his heavenly Father didn't depend on a tidy solution to his problems.  Rather, he loved and trusted God because of all that He is.   Job said, "God is wise in heart and mighty in strength" [Job 9:4](NASB).

The reasons why God blesses our lives with physical prosperity is so that we might be generous and give away what we have to others who are in needs. 
Our love for God must not be based solely on His blessing but because of who He is.

[Our Daily Bread : Jennifer B Schuldt 24/06/2011]


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cool Mind, Fiery Heart

When we only emphasize Scripture, it often does not lead to heart  change.  And if there is no change in the heart, it becomes nothing more than head knowledge.  In fact, this head knowledge often leads to wrong doctrine, and we end up with our own misguided ideas of faith.  It then causes us to be unable to discern right from the wrong or show grace to the people around us.  Believers like these are filled with Bible knowledge but have hearts of stone, and eventually will lose their sense of humanity.  They will eventually become a stumbling block to their neighbors.
What happens, then, if we only emphasize the Holy Spirit?  The Holy Spirit sets the believer's heart on fire and enables us to pray passionately.  This passion is a driving force.  However, a driving force without direction is futile.  There is a danger in overemphasizing spiritual gifts as evidence of faith.  Even if we have spiritual gifts, if we do not learn to interpret the purpose of those gifts through the lens of Scripture, they will only cause us to become prideful.  Such believers become slaves to mysticism and slowly lose sense of reality.
Therefore, disciples need to have level-headed intellect and a fiery and passionate heart.  It is only then that we will be able to worship in Spirit and in Truth.

[Extracted from LIVING Life July 2013 Page 139

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Perseverance is tough, but if we do not persevere today, we will not be prepare to be used tomorrow.  As we persevere through times of suffering, we will be refined to be used by Him.  The victories in life are the fruits of persistence and perseverance.  As we persevere, we will be equipped to be used by God.

What better way to start off a new year than to persevere and continue our daily walk in Christ and trusting Him.  Let the Word of God be a lamp to our feet and the light to our path daily.
(Psalm 119:105)