Sunday, July 31, 2016

Seasons of life

This month, two of our church friends' daughters tied the knot, one on the sixth and the other at the end of the month.
It made me think of my two children.  My younger one, just started working about a month ago in Singapore, while the older one have been in the working life for more than 3 years.
We had a taste of the  "empty nest"  in mid 2011 when my daughter left home for further studies in Singapore while my son started work in late 2012.

Seasons come and go, in a continuous cycle.  Each season has its challenges and also its beauty.  The most assuring thing is that the Prince of Peace and Wonderful Counselor is with us all the way, seeing us through the seasons in our life.

Ecclesiastes 3 : 1-2  There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:  a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot. (NIV)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Pot Bless Fellowship

What a blessed gathering at Lembah Permai - having a good time fellowship over good spread of home cooked food and in good company of friends.

Monday, July 18, 2016

My peace

The idea of peace in connection with personality is that every power is in perfect working order to the limit of activity. That is what Jesus means when He says "My peace". Never have in mind the idea of jadedness or stagnation in connection with peace.

Health is physical peace, but health is not stagnation; health is the perfection of physical activity. Virtue is moral peace, but virtue is not innocence; virtue is the perfection of moral activity. Holiness is spiritual peace, but holiness is not quietness; holiness is the intensest spiritual activity.

The profound realization of God makes you too unspeakably peaceful to be capable of any self-interest.

John 14:27
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." NKJV
{From PEACE LIFE IN THE SPIRIT - Oswald Chambers}

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Living the Good Life or God Life ?

The 'good life' according to the world standard is all about wealth, power and getting what you want, when you want it.  Living the truly good life means living for God.

Life is not always black and white, and while some choice are right and wrong, many are just better or worse.

Parents who refuse to let their children experience failure or sadness give them a false view of the world and do not prepare them for the harsh realities of adult life.

Some Christians expect that the Lord will be the kind of parent who protects them from all sorrow and disappointment.  But our Father in heaven is not like that.  He lovingly allows His children to go through suffering as in Isaiah 43:2 and 1 Thessalonians 3:3.

God's goal is to make us holy, not just happy.  When we face the truth that life is difficult, we can start investing our lives in the pursuit of a good and godly life instead.  The pursuit of holiness occurs daily as we yield ourselves in obedience to the Lord instead of following our old ways of self-gratification.

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