Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Flee from sin

Why is it that so many believers fall into deep sin?  Why are so many Christian marriages broken by adultery?  It is because believers still have much to learn about sin.

Sin, by nature, is seductive and deceptive.  Sin, when it causes havoc, rarely is understood as the source of the evil.  It is the master con artist that is the champion of disguise.  It is the mirage that never gives what it promises.  It has people all over the world chasing after water that will never satisfy.

Believers are told to flee from sin.  Whenever there is temptation, the believer is called to flee.  However, too often, we do not understand the evil and deceptive nature of sin.  We like to flirt with it.  We like to go as close to the line as possible.  It is because sin still looks desirable for us.  We still believe the promise it offers.  But learned believers see the mask.  They see the mirage for what it is - nothing but lies.  Lastly, they see sin as the reason that put Jesus on the cross.

Sin is not to be taken lightly.  Believers need to learn to hate sin and whenever tempted, to flee.  Sin is the reason we need to be saved, because we cannot save ourselves.  That is the first lesson for the believer, and this lesson needs to be reinforced every day.

[Extracted from LIVING Life April 2013 - Joel Yoon]

Monday, June 15, 2015


According to psychologists, one of the keys to happiness is gratitude.
Grateful people have higher level of happiness and optimism as well as lower levels of depression and stress.

Gratitude is a key component of the Christian faith.  It is a sign that the Christian understand grace.  It is focused on Christ and what He has done for us.  God is not glorified by our action but by our faith in His action.  It results in happiness and contentment.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough and more.  It turns denials into acceptances, chaos to order and confusion to clarity.

The best things in life are the eternal riches that come from God's goodness and grace in Jesus Christ.  We do not hold them in our hands, but in our hearts - David McCasland.

Gratitude fuels expression, which is exactly what Psalm 107 describes in verses 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 26, 27, 31.  As Scott Thomas writes, "Success, or lack of success, is a false indicator of God's love for me (Job 10:12-13) ... If your performance is saving you, then you are in effect, denying the gospel.  "Our works, our performance, do not save us.  To some, God gives wealth and success.  To some, God gives poverty and hardship.  The test, so to speak, isn't about what we have, but what we DO with our circumstances.

4  Elements of true thanksgiving found in David's song (Psalm)
a)  remembering what God has done
b)  telling others about it
c)  showing God's glory to others
d)  offering gifts of self, time and resources

Gratitude is a choice.  It is only when you choose to be grateful that you actually become grateful.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Steamboat dinner at Feng Huo Guo

Trying out a new steamboat outlet along Jalan Bawasah, Penang.