Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Mid Autumn Festival (MoonCake Festival)

The Mid-Autumn Festival(Moon Festival) (traditional Chinese: 中秋節; simplified Chinese: 中秋节; Korean: Chuseok(추석, 秋夕); Vietnamese: tết Trung Thu) is a harvest festival celebrated by ethnic Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese people.  The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night, corresponding to late September to early October of the Gregorian calendar with a full moon at night. [WIKIPEDIA]

This is a harvest festival that has its history dating back over 3,000 years to the Shang Dynasty when people thanked the moon god for the harvest.  It is still a time of giving thanks.  The Mid Autumn Festival is a time for families to spend special time together, and for prayer where people pray their specific requests.
The most popular treats that everyone eats too much of are the moon cakes and is why the festival is known to some as the Moon Cake Festival.  Others refer to it as the Lantern Festival.  This year it is celebrated on the fourth of October.

Making coconut paste with pandan flavour
Making redbean paste

Moon Cake with redbean/yolk paste

Moon rock - Carp shape

Snow skin mooncake

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