Saturday, May 5, 2018

Praise God for the furnace

Testing is difficult, but the result is often a deeper relationship with God.  Those who endure the testing of their faith will experience God's great rewards in the end.

Despair or misfortune is a great opportunity to test whether your faith is genuine or not. 

"The water is hot - put in the tea bag - "did this tea lose its taste because it went inside the hot water?  no, it probably revealed its true taste by being in the hot water. "

"Do not try to be strong in the midst of temptation."    Know your weakness.  The reason you are tempted is because you are weak.   In Scripture, it does not say to fight temptation, but to flee from or get out of it.

Christians mistakenly believe that when things go well, they are in God's will, but when things do not go well, they are not.  Remember, for every testimony of victory, transformed lives, and deliverances, there are ten more about martyrdom, anguish, and loss.

Just because God does not answer our prayers the way we think He should does not mean He is any less compassionate, loving, or sovereign.  Ultimately, it is not primarily about victory over your particular situation, but about His glory over the earth.

A.W. Tower once said, "Whom God would use greatly, He will hurt deeply."

God does not send trials to take away our joy but to increase our joy.

Just as fire purifies silver in the smelting process, trials refines our character.   They bring us a new and deeper wisdom, helping us discern truth from falsehood and giving us the discipline to do what we know is right.

Trials help us realize that life is a gift from God to be cherished not a right to be taken for granted. - Psalm 66:10-12
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