Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Law of Sowing & Reaping

Paul captured the same idea in the universal law of sowing and reaping. He said, " Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." [Galatians 6 : 7]

Our choices often have a reach and impact that we could never imagine. Thus the apostle's words remind us to choose wisely. The choices we make today produce the consequences we reap tomorrow. Its far better to avoid sin in the first place than to struggle to overcome its consequences.
God's prophet Hosea preached this principle to the people of Israel. They had sown seeds of wickedness and trusted in their own way instead of God's. Now they were eating the bitter fruit of lies, especially the lie that their safety and success came from their own military strength Hosea 10 : 13. Hosea pleaded with Israel to go God's way - to break up the sin hardened soil of their hearts and to seek the Lord (Hosea 10 : 12) if they would sow seeds of righteous, they would reap the Lord's mercy and He would rain blessing on them.
We can't expect to experience the fruit of God's blessing if we don't recognize the important of doing our part.

My son when through a time of disappointment and was spiritually down. We, as parents tried to counsel him and encouraged him to share his heart out but he was not able to. As days passed, he became more closed up and was not able to eat or sleep well. He began to have negative thoughts. We tried to talk to him and counsel him, but was not able. We were so loss, despite counselling many non believers and friends, we as parents are not able to counsel our own son. We prayed and surrendered him to the Lord.
After two days, God sent a couple to talk and counsel him. We were so relieved and blessed as God once again reminded us that He Cared and Loved each and eveyone of His children. Even though, he is not back to his normal self yet, we trust and believed that my son will be stronger and wiser after this trials and the Lord will used him more for His Glory in the future.

Thank God for sending the brother and sister in time of need to counsel and share a listening ears. Even as we sow our time for others in their needs, others will also sow their time for us in time of our needs.

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