Saturday, August 20, 2011

Alone or Loneliness?

Mother Teresa said : "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty".
My daughter, after being away from home for 3 weeks came back to Penang to her familiar surrounding - cozy room, comfy bed, friendly people and delicious food; for 3 days. She was feeling alone in an unfamiliar place where there is no old friends, to shares and laughs.

Loneliness has been termed the most desolate word in the English language. It is no respecter of age, race, economic status, or intelligence. Albert Einstein said, "It is strange to be known so universally, and yet to be so lonely."
What circumstances make you feel helpless or hopeless today? Poor health, broken relationship, a family member in great need? In Jesus Christ, God has pierced the dark winter of our world in a daring rescue through His redeeming love. He is therefore able to reach us and calm our fears in the most desperate circumstances.
If you feel unloved, don't run from your pain or try to get love through wrong means. Instead, devote yourself to knowing God and loving Him. Allow Him to meet your deepest needs. Then give Him all the praise !
God made us for intimacy and companionship with others. Even before sin entered the world, He declared that it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2 : 18). That's why many people often feel so empty inside.
In such moments, I am thankful to have a heavenly Father who knows what it is to be separated from a beloved Son. I am thankful to have a God who is described as "a father of the fatherless, a defender of widows" (Psalm 68:5).
Those who know Jesus are never alone. THOUGH PEOPLE MAY NOT LOVE YOU. GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU.


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